Celebrating Black History: A Year-Round Commitment
Celebrating Black History: A Year-Round Commitment As we come to the end of Black History Month, we take this moment to reflect on the importance of celebrating Black history—not just in February but throughout the entire year. Black history is vital to our collective story, enriching our understanding of the past, shaping our present, and […]
Invest in your child’s future – give them the gift of an affordable private school education
Click here for the article on Inside Halton As a parent, you undoubtedly want the best for your child’s future. You want them to have every opportunity to succeed in life and to reach their full potential. To prepare children for the current challenges of the world, it takes a comprehensive and individualized approach. That’s […]
Benefits of an Accredited Montessori School
Montessori is one of the most recognized names in education, highlighting the pioneer herself, Maria Montessori, and her method to learning. Unfortunately, not all schools that deem themselves ‘Montessori’ offer an education based on the Montessori philosophy and its’ high standards of practice. In Canada, Montessori schools that are accredited by the Canadian Council of […]
Happy Earth Day 🌎
At MCS we are frequently reminded of how beautiful planet Earth is. We are fortunate to be surrounded by various wildlife and greenery at both of our MCS campuses. We practice gratitude and express appreciation for all that our planet does for us. Incorporating our ecosystems and our wildlife into our Montessori curriculum is extremely […]
Autism Awareness – Montessori and Children with Autism
The Montessori pedagogy supports individualized programming for children, which is of great benefit for children on the Autism spectrum. Children are responsible for choosing their ‘work.’ focusing their time and effort for as long as they require in order to feel comfortable with it, and for mastery of the skill. This allows them to have […]
Spring is blooming – Get into the Spring spirit with these activities!
At our MCS campuses, located in Milton and Nobleton, we are so lucky to be surrounded by nature, allowing our staff and students first hand experiences in environmental changes and wildlife. Our students enjoy investigating the outdoor world around them especially exploring seasonal changes as they occur. Maria Montessori believed that a child was an […]
We LOVE Our MCS Frontline Superheroes!
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in several ways and in particular, it has altered the education sector significantly. During these uncertain times our MCS faculty, students and their families have demonstrated resilience, adaptability and acceptance of new protocols and methods of program delivery. Our MCS educators have been true heroes, working hard to […]
Why Montessori?
It’s Montessori Education week, and we’re enjoying honouring the importance of this week at MCS! Students are engaged in learning the history of Maria Montessori through stories; working on timelines and reflections and having fun with crafts. But why is there all this focus on Maria Montessori and Montessori Education? What sets it apart from […]
5 Tips for At Home Lunches
Let’s face it, when at-home learning began the thought ‘this is great I don’t have to make lunches every morning now’ definitely popped into our heads once or twice. However, now in the second wave we’ve all come back down to reality and realized that stopping the work day or being interrupted in the middle […]
5 Hacks for At-Home Learning
Let’s face it, at home learning isn’t necessarily easy, especially for parents and children experiencing it for the first time. Schedules get changed, time to yourself now truly feels like a myth and it often feels like there’s no time to get any work done. It can be hard to separate work life from parenting […]