“The secret of good teaching is to regard each child’s intelligence as a fertile field In which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of naming imagination- Our aim is not only to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core. We do not want complacent pupils but eager ones.” MARIA MONTESSORI



Children growing up in our fast-paced, constantly changing world will need to be adaptable and resourceful. Their ability to solve problems, having confidence in their own abilities and enthusiasm for life-long learning will serve them well. Both in the curriculum content and in the process of education, Montessori speaks directly to the challenges before us. Montessori education nurtures the human qualities and skills that will equip your child for life

Montessori education Offers:

  • A multi-faceted approach to the development of the whole child as a preparation for life
  • Respect for the needs, rights and dignity of each child as a full and independent person
  • The freedom for each child to develop his/her unique personality within a socially responsible context
  • The development of independence, self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Assisting each child in becoming a happy and accepted member of the peer group
  • Learning as a process, not simply a product
  • A solid foundation for skills in reading, writing and arithmetic
  • Maximizing each student’s academic success with individual programming
  • Promoting a love of learning
  • Self-directed learning, making responsible choices, and taking responsibility for one’s own actions
  • The development of higher-order thinking skills: analysis, synthesis, divergent thinking, problem solving evaluation, moral and ethical reasoning
  • Learning how to learn – critical thinking skills, listening skills, task organization strategies, library and research skills, steps in scientific investigation, setting goals and techniques for evaluating one’s own progress toward a goal
  • Attention to good work habits including self-discipline, concentration, coordination, perseverance and thoroughness. Freedom for independent thought, creative problem solving and free expression in order to develop creativity, flexibility, resourcefulness and initiative
  • Good manners, respect and sensitivity towards others. The values of kindness, honesty, warmth, openness, cooperation, good sportsmanship and non-violence
  • A sense of community and trust within the classroom and the school as a whole
  • Competence in handling emotions. The understanding by the child of his/her own and other’s feelings. Learning to talk about goals, behaviour and feelings. Learning how to resolve conflicts peacefully
  • An international perspective through the study of a second language, cultural geography, international festivals and celebrations; field trips and visitors to the school
  • The development of insight into and a sense of responsibility for social and environmental conditions, both locally and globally. A respect for all living things
  • Sound health and nutritional habits

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  • It has been an amazing experience. This is the best school with an incredible staff.

    P.D. Parent