At our MCS campuses, located in Milton and Nobleton, we are so lucky to be surrounded by nature, allowing our staff and students first hand experiences in environmental changes and wildlife. Our students enjoy investigating the outdoor world around them especially exploring seasonal changes as they occur. Maria Montessori believed that a child was an astute and spontaneous observer of nature; this is why at MCS we foster a learning environment that allows independent and guided exploration outdoors and encourage this to continue on at home. We are suggesting three activities families can engage in for the exploration into Spring and help cultivate your child’s curiosity.
1. Nature Scavenger Hunt
Going on a nature scavenger hunt with your family allows your children to explore the environment around them and identify found objects. This builds cognitive skills as well as interpersonal skills through independent exploration and discovery. You will find spring themed scavenger hunt sheets HERE.
2. Sound Walk
With Spring in the air we’re all itching to get outside and a sound walk is the perfect opportunity for the whole family to get out. Grab a pen/pencil and paper and go for a Covid-19 safe walk in your neighborhood or favourite community hiking spot. Throughout the walk mark, pay close attention to what you hear around you and record this. You can also take time to draw these out. For some great sound walk activity sheets click HERE.
3. Gardening/Planting
This activity is sure to get your children excited about spring. Planting provides many educational and developmental benefits for children. Their motor skills are exercised by engaging in planting and watering using a variety of tools. By maintaining the plant; feeding and watering it; it supports them in building a sense of ownership. To find steps for outdoor planting/gardening click HERE and for indoor gardening/planting click HERE.
These are only a few of the many great activities to get you started this spring in encouraging your children to get outside and explore their surroundings.
At MCS we spend a lot of our time outdoors and feel fortunate to be located on grounds that lend themselves to investigation and enjoyment! Please visit our website to learn more about our MCS Milton and Nobleton campuses.