Enrollment Process at the Montessori Country School

  1. Inquiry Interested persons contact the school by telephone, email or view the website to obtain initial information. Walk ins may not be given a tour on the spot however a package can be given to them and their information taken down for a tour date to be scheduled.
  2. Tour of the School An appointment to attend a tour of our facility will be set-up by the administration, where interested applicants will fill out a short questionnaire and can see all of the classrooms in progress, as well as receive information about our programs. Interested persons will have the opportunity to observe a class and meet with the tour guide to have any questions answered. An information package with an application will be given to all persons receiving a tour.
  3. Application After having an opportunity to read all applicable information; the application is to be completed and submitted to the school administration. The application should also be accompanied by:
    • Signed Application Form and Terms of Enrollment
    • Nobleton Campus: $750 Registration Fee paid by cheque, debit or credit card.
    • Milton Campus: $500 Registration Fee paid by cheque, debit or credit card.

    The receipt of the application and fees will be placed in the application file and will only be processed upon acceptance.

  4. Assessment Any child for whom we receive an application after that child’s 4th birthday is subject to our assessment process. This process is comprised of:
    • A minimum half day in class visit for Casa students and full day in class visit for Elementary Applicants
    • A series of tasks assigned to that student over the course of the visit to assess the child’s level in reading, writing and mathematics
    • Observation of the child’s social skills and behaviour over the course of the visit
    • A meeting with the Vice Principal (Casa) or Principal (Elementary)
    • A meeting between the parents and the Vice Principal/Principal to discuss the results of the assessment prior to acceptance
  5. Acceptance Acceptance of a child is based on several factors, including:
    • A match between the parents’ and the school’s education goals for the child, as well as our ability to serve the child. This can be evaluated through an assessment by one of our teachers in the event the application is being tendered after the child’s 4th birthday. Consultation with parents is sufficient for children before their 4th birthday
    • Returning students and siblings of current students are given priority, if re-enrollment occurs by due date
    • New applications are selected to fill the remaining spaces with all efforts made to maintain age mix and gender balances within the classrooms
    • Evaluations from the child’s previous school are considered, if applicable
    • Each application is reviewed by Administration
    • After payment is processed, a letter of confirmation of enrollment will be sent outAt this point, parents will need to hand in the following documents:
      • Copy of child’s Immunization Record
      • Copy of Birth Certificate
      • Medical Information Form
      • Release of Liability Form
      • Sunscreen & Bug Repellent Policy
  6. Placement The balance of ages and genders is kept in mind when assigning children to classrooms.
  7. Policies
  • MCS accepts children without assessment between the ages of 12 months and 3 years
  • Any children to be enrolled after their 4th birthday are to be assessed by a teacher trained for the level the child would be placed in, unless they are transferring from another accredited Montessori school
  • Parents may be asked to sign a Contract of Probation for any child enrolled after their 4th birthday if the child has exceptionalities or behavioural issues
  • MCS only accepts children with exceptionalities we feel can be successfully integrated into our regular programs. We do have a Resource program to address certain needs and will apply for Speech or Occupational Therapy, through the CCAC, as required. If the school (Principal or Vice Principal, in consultation with classroom teachers) decides that Resource is necessary for a child enrolled in the school, every effort will be made to accommodate that child in the Resource program as soon as possible after an application has been processed. The cost of the Resource program is to be incurred by the parents/guardians.
  • Students are admitted under the terms and conditions stated on the back of the Application for Admission
  • Students in non-compliance with the MCS Code of Conduct can be withdrawn at the school’s discretion (see Code of Conduct)


  • Applicants who have been accepted for all reasons other than space availability will be placed on a Waiting List (completed application and registration fee must be on file). There is no fee for being placed on the waiting list; the registration fee will not be processed until a space becomes available and the application confirmed.
  • Our wait list will be organized by age group, the date care is required and the date of the request to be placed on the list.
  • Any time it is confirmed that a space is becoming available for a date close to the time care is needed, we will contact the first name on the list either via telephone or email to discuss their continued need/desire to enroll. If we do not reach you in person, we will wait five (5) business days before going on to the next name.
  • Once a family is notified of an opening, acceptance must be confirmed within five (5) business days, at which time your registration fee will be processed. If confirmation is not received within five (5) business days, we will offer the space to the next person on the Waiting List.
  • To obtain a space by the date required, a family will be offered spaces up to a month before should they become available earlier than the desired start date or longer if a family has indicated flexibility. The parent/guardian will confirm within five (5) business days if they want the space, or not, and if they wish to proceed. If the parent/guardian agrees to the space, a letter of acceptance will be sent via email, with confirmation of the starting date. At this time, the non-refundable registration fee will be cashed. We cannot guarantee a space later than the date we have on record as available but may be able to delay start in some situations.
  • Priority is given to siblings of children in the centre, as well as, families with more than one child waiting to enroll should spaces become available in the appropriate age groups.
  • To ensure transparency, should someone want to check where they are on our wait list, they can call and we will be glad to share the status with them.
  • Confidentiality of all families on the wait list will be maintained.

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  • MCS was my daughter’s first school, and she truly enjoyed it. She made lots of friends, gained exposure to a variety of experiences, and developed good eating habits and table manners. My child started school at 18 months, and with the help of her teachers, she has become so independent and confident in just a year. The school staff is incredibly friendly, loving, and helpful. MCS provides plenty of practical and real-life experiences for all the students. Even the Music, French, and Gym teachers put in a lot of effort to keep the children engaged and entertained. The environment of the school is very calm and peaceful, and the classrooms, in particular, are always clean and tidy. They also assisted with potty training and provide special attention to your child when needed.

    R.J. Parent